Friday, January 11, 2008

I Sure Learned My Lesson...

I can't believe I am actually going to post this, but I guess my hope is to warn all parents out there who will read this, so it doesn't happen to their little one.
Last Sunday started out as any normal Sunday. We woke up early, ate breakfast, showered, and headed off to church at 9. When we got home we decided to eat some lunch, relax a bit, and then head outside to enjoy some of the snow we've been blasted with.
So I am sitting on the couch talking on my cell phone when Rian comes up to me and wants to sit next to me. I lift her up by her right arm (around her bicep) using only my right hand because remember I am on the phone and my left hand is occupied. So I'm not really paying much attention and.....
CRACK. CRACK. We head off to the ER with a screaming baby. Actually she handled it pretty well, much better than me. The dr said I had given her what they call 'nursemaids elbow' which basically means that her forearm bones are not fused together to her elbow and when I lifted her up by her arm I twisted them out of place. I felt so guilty and awful and horrible and every word you could possibly imagine. I did this to her. The dr said that it is actually quite common especially with 18 month olds. Rian is doing perfectly fine now. It took her a few days to start using her right arm again, but I am so thankful that she finally is. Thanks for all the prayers! Can you imagine the guilt I have been feeling this past week???
So the moral of the story is....Be careful when picking up your child, especially if you only have one hand available to lift them up.

This is a picture of her swollen right wrist and fingers taken on Monday. It's hard to compare them to her left hand, but seriously, you try having a 17 month old sit still with her hands like that. Not easy. Then I had to take a picture of her puppy dog eyes. I am so sorry Ri.

So this is why I haven't posted. Number 1, we didn't have any pictures and I was planning on taking some while we played in the snow. And Number 2, I really didn't want to admit that I did this.


Missy W. said...

Traci, this could have happened to anyone. I happen to know you are a wonderful mother!

april said...

Tracy!! I feel so crappy for giving you a hard time for not posting! I am so sorry! I was just missin' you guys.I will think twice before I post something like that again. Thanks for warning us, this could happen to anyone. Don't beat youself up. I am glad to hear she is recovering well. Give her a little kiss from me and Kate.

Anonymous said...

Tracy you poor dear. Really it can and does happen to anyone. I hurt a child in a very similar way at a school once -- he was throwing himself to the ground in a tamtrum and I was trying to stop him from hitting his head, but just ended up hurting his elbow. I know nothing will be able to take away that sick feeling, except time, but I hope support from your community can help a little bit.

val said...

I'm glad this story has a happy ending and that Rian is back to her normal self again. I'm sure you must have felt horrible but like everyone has said, you are a terrific mother and it could have happen to anyone. I need to be more conscious about using both hands to help Annie, but sometimes it's just not possible! Agh. Moms need extra arms, don't you think?