Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye....

Look at this face, how can you deny it! We'll we just had to, Rian is about to turn 18 months, and the time has definitely come. Although we were only giving her her binkie at nap and nighttime, we have finally completely winged Rian off her binkie, or as I like to call it binkster (I know I'm weird, and Matt really dislikes that word for it). We just put her down one night last week without it and although she did cry a little bit, it really didn't seem to bother her all that much. So from then on, it's been MIA. She hasn't even noticed really :) I know we are extremely lucky that Rian wasn't that addicted to it.


nicole lindsay said...

Congratulations on that. I hope that it wasn't just a one night thing, and that she will sleep every night without it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! A Red-Letter day! Judging from my kids at school, I'd advice completely disappearing the "binkster" -- when they see it and remember it's back to square one!

Jaycie said...

Hey YOU DID IT!!!!! Sounds like it wasn't bad after all the worrie!