Thursday, January 24, 2008


Rian absolutely LOVED this slide at my sister's house. We were all sitting on the couch talking when all the sudden we hear Rian talking incredibly loud, like she was trying to get our attention or something. We look around the corner, into the playroom, and there she is standing on top of the slide. My heard dropped thinking that she could fall any minute, so we brought the slide out to the family room, where we could all watch closely. And from then on it was non-stop sliding!!!

I know it might look as though she is hurting herself while sliding down, but I swear she had so much fun. Every time she landed I would cringe, but she would stand up right away smiling and clapping and want to go again!


Traci said...

Isn't it fun to watch you child learn new things? Tanner is constantly trying new dangerous things and getting hurt. I hope people don't start thinking is us hurting him. He hits his head like 5 times a day for sure. If only I were close enough to stop some of those crashes. Jealous of your cool trip. need one of my own.

val said...

Totally funny! I love how she plows off the slide at the end. And then her hands go up! What a big girl!!

Spring said...

She is such a cute little girl. I wish that they made tham in adult sizes and we could all be that easily entertained.

Missy W. said...

The hands up at the end is very cute. Like a gymnast.

Andi said...

Holy crap! That thing is fast! Way to go with the binkster :) I love the little outfit she has on.