Monday, September 1, 2008


We finally left on our east coast trip...which ultimately means.....Matt is almost finished!!! Some really good family friends have made their home in beautiful Gulf Breeze, FL (right outside of Pensacola). So my mom and I began our trip in Florida. Here is a little glimpse of how we have been enjoying the week:

Old Friends! Leigh, Morgan, Cheryl, Sharon, Ryan, Lois, Me, Rian.

We wanted to spend a day at the beach (before this hurricane hits us). Rian met her first hermit crab.

I love this little girl! Look at her little feet in the second picture. So proper :)

Rian and Morgan! What cutie pies!

How stylin' is Rian in her little get-up? Cheryl lives right on the canal that takes us straight to the bay. We took the canoe and kayaks out for the afternoon. Both Rian and I had tons of fun!!! The second picture is of Rian playing in the dog kennel. I know it seems really gross, but the dog is really clean and it was keeping Rian entertained for a good half hour!

Rian blowing her first bubbles! Most of the time the soap just ends up in her mouth, but today she finally conquered the art of bubble blowing!

Rian playing hide and seek at Cheryl's house.

3 generation pic...My Mom, Me, and Rian. Last night, Roy, Cheryl's husband, showed us how the people in the south like to do it....we had a shrimp boil! If you have never had the pleasure of experiencing one, you are missing out! They take a big pot, or in this case a turkey fryer, and add tons of spices and yummy food. It all cooks together and then they dump it on the newspaper covered table. Then you get to pick out what you to eat! We had so much food! I took this picture after 16 of us enjoyed way to much of it! And we still had this much leftover :)

Rosann, Cheryl, My Mom, Sharon.....just like old times!!!
We've also been feeding the turtles who live in the beautiful pond behind Sharon's house everyday! It is truly a highlight, I swear! And I hope to get some pictures of it this afternoon!
Thankfully Gustav is heading more west and we shouldn't be too affected by this hurricane. I really did not want to add surviving a hurricane to our list of things we did on our vacay! We will be here a few more days and then heading to Virginia Beach, Newport, RI (for Matt's graduation), and then to New Jersey to visit more family!


Heather Layton said...

You have had a busy summer! It looks like so much fun! Good for you for getting out and taking advantage of life!

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed seeing you in FL and in CA. Looks like you are enjoying the island. It is beautiful... Hope that you continue to enjoy this adventurous two years.
Love, Sharon and John