Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bed Time Bear

There is a little story that goes along with this so here is a little background info....For quite a few weeks now, Rian is hardly sleeping thru the night. After waking up to a crying baby night after night, I started to get a little impatient with the whole thing. I mean, she was sleeping great since she was a few months old, what happened?
So it's 3 am and Rian starts up again and let's just say I am not in a good mood at this point. Well, I walk into her room pretty mad and what do I see.....Rian standing up in her crib holding on to her bed time bear, it was consoling her! How could I be mad after seeing that? It was so cute! She's never done that before and I have had that bear in there for a long time (I am trying to replace her binkie with the bear, but that might take a while). Ever since then she goes to bed with her bear every night!

Thanks Auntie Marlene for my bed time bear!
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Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Hahahaaaa!!! I LOVE IT!!! How adorable are these pictures...Rian is soo freaken cute! I am soo happy this bear has been her baby that brings her comfort when mommy is being a meanie! Hahaha...kidding. I am very happy though that she loves that bear! It brings me great joy adn a smile on my face to know htat my little neice LOVES the little bed time bear I gave her!!!
Mommy please don't forget her baby bear on your trip to SD!!!
Can't wait to see you guys!!!

Love...Auntie Marlene

Doug and Marilyn said...

Can she get any cuter? I love those pictures of her with the bear. I bet it was fun to see the Carroll's! Lucky lucky you. And by the way, is the Wii really that fun? We've been contemplating the purchase of a Wii but have never experienced the fun that is the Wii.

april said...

Too cute! I really need to think about weening Kaitlyn from her bink, but wow not looking forward to it. It's like she can't sleep without it. If she loses it in the night, she cries and I sleepwalk to her room and re-bink her time after time after time.

april said...
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val said...

Cute and ugh on the thought of weening the bink away from the child. Would it really be that bad to send a child to kindergarden with a binky in her mouth? :)