Thursday, November 13, 2008

dress up

rian loves to play dress up. she especially loves her clip-on earrings, bracelets, tiaras, and necklaces. we play with them everyday! when she recently received a package from grandma lois, she was so excited to see more dress up clothes, she could hardly contain herself! she especially loved the shoes! she wore those things the entire day, i swear!
i've never seen rian as a girlie girl until now. it's so fun and cute to watch. she even puts her bracelets on her ankles to make anklets. i sure didn't teach her that!
i feel like she looks so teenage-like with her earrings on too; like it's a glance into the future. call me crazy, but when she is wearing them, she looks so grown up and not like my little girl


The Rubens said...

I can't believe how grown up she is getting. She is so cute all dressed up like a girlie girl. I was laughing pretty hard in the clothes that Rian picked out for herself. Hope you are loving Guam.

Andrew and Marissa said...

She is so cute! I can't wait until Shelby is that big. Right now she is a little stinker.