Saturday, September 1, 2007

Dress Up!

We went to our stake msa activity (married student association) last Friday. It was western themed, so they had chili dogs, watermelon, homemade root beer and of course creamies for dessert (you can't go to an activity in Utah without having creamies for dessert, right?) They also had volleyball games, a roping contest, a pie eating contest, and of course, western pictures. So we dressed Rian up in a cute little red checkered dress, sat her up on top of a barrel of hay, and handed her the barrel of the gun...this was the outcome!


april said...

Sounds like sooo much fun! We would have loved it. I wish we were still there! The picture of little Rian is adorable. I love it.

Kacie said...

That is pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen. Where did you get that little dress? I am so jealous of you right now. I soo miss those MSA activities.