Sunday, June 17, 2007


So we signed Rian up for swim lessons through the Y for the summer. It's a "Mommy and Me" type class and the point of it is to really get Rian comfortable in the water. I mean you can't really expect a 10 month old to swim, right? The classes are twice a week and we do all sorts of fun things: we sing "wheels on the bus", "hokey-pokey", and "motor boat", we blow bubbles, kick our legs, relax on our backs, scoop our arms, and of course dunk them underwater (that's Rian's favorite, not)! Since Matt had the day off work, I convinced him to take her one day. Can I tell you how much it melts your heart to watch your baby and your husband spend such precious time together!
This is a pretty neat trick (however it works better with older children, not infants). The instructor took a noodle and tied it around Rian's body right under her arms and it helps her float. The older kids can swim the whole length of the pool without any help, so I want to try it with my nephew when he comes to visit in July.

Kicking my legs

Kicking the ball

Singing "Wheels on the Bus"

Relaxing on my back

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The swimming pictures are great. It's so good for Rian that you guys can do this together, to get her used to the water. I used to take C swimming a lot when he was Rian's age, but I hardly ever took Ruby, sadly. It's a little harder for one mom to manage two toddlers in a pool! I'm glad to see you guys are enjoying your Summer of Fun!