Friday, June 8, 2007

Sea World

We had such a good time at Sea World. The weather was great and the park was empty (for the most part). I think it's my favorite park here in San Diego!
We love this picture. That would be me with the perfect timing!

It was feeding time for the dolphins! After watching them for a little bit, I turned to Matt and said 'I want a pet dolphin'. He promised me we could go swim with them when we go on our big vacation after his graduation. I guess I can settle for that instead!

Our cute baby girl!

Don't tell anyone...but I fed him a cheez-it or two or three.

I did these two pictures backwards, but oh well. Here is the duck walking closer.

So we sat down by the dolphins feeding area to change Rian's diaper (hence the diaper in the picture). After Matt changed her he sat her on his lap to look at the dolphins and this little duck started to walk up to them.

This was a show called Cirque de la Mer. It's a lot like Cirque de Soleil. It's so amazing watching these people perform.

Look at his incredible strength.


Cotter said...
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Cotter said...

That is rad you feed the duck! Good for you!