Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Yes, we are all still alive! We've just been busy enjoying our little baby and when he is sleeping, we are either giving Rian tons of attention or spending time together just Matt and me.....oh yeah, or sleeping too!!

But everyone has been begging me to update the blog. I'll start with our fun night out last night. And go backwards from there. Matt is the Scout Master and 1st Counselor in Young Mens at our Church. For the mutual activity this week, they planned a bowling night. Matt invited us to go with! Rian was so excited, if you can't tell from the picture! And Miles was such a good boy!

I loved watching Matt and Rian bowl together! It warmed my heart!

She is my little model! I love her!

Yep, they got a STRIKE!!!

Miles did wake up, but was content in his carseat. Matt scored a 194. Not an all time high, but pretty impressive none-the-less! I think bowling might be our new popular FHE!


april said...

It is so good to see you guys!! Kaitlyn loves to bowl too! Miles is so so so cute!!! Glad to know you guys are doing well! Enjoy that little one! They grow up so fast, Jackson is 20 lbs!!!

Heather Layton said...

glad to see the harassment has paid off!:)

The Rubens said...

194 Matt?!! Sick. That's all I can say :) Hope to you see you guys soon.