Friday, November 7, 2008

care packages are the BEST

My mom made my day today :) She sent us two care for Rian and one for us! There are a few things that I have not been able to get here at the commissary (grocery store on base), so my Mom came to the rescue and sent us a box full of goodies!!!
Posted by PicasaFirst and foremost, we CANNOT live without cholula. It's the first thing we requested. Seriously like the first day we got here I called and asked for it to be sent. It's this yummy hot sauce and if you know Matt and I at all, you know we love mexican food. So how can I cook mexican food if I don't have any hot sauce to go with it, right?? We are so excited for taco night now!
Then I got my favorite candy: cherry twizzler bites....and it's a family size bag! I love these so much thanks to my Mom! I actually brought some with me, but have since eaten them all. So these came just in time!
A variety of Luna Bars. I love these as a quick, on-the-go lunch. And I can only get one flavor here. So having other flavors to choose from is great!
Uncle Bens Rice. I seriously have not cooked rice in a pot/pan or rice cooker in years. 90 seconds and it's done. How could I ever go back to cooking rice on the stove top? Plus, I love the sante fe flavored one especially.
Magazines! I haven't changes my address yet for my magazines and have been dying ever since I saw this months' cover of Good Housekeeping on the stands. I LOVE Jon and Kate Plus 8, so as you can imagine, was super excited to finally get it!
I know this is a long and silly post. But Rian is napping and Matt is working and I am way too excited for these goodies to keep it to myself.
When Rian wakes up, she will be happy to see that Grandma Lois sent her a box too. It's full of some fun dress up toys, clothes, books, Thanksgiving decor, a height chart, and other fun stuff too.
Thanks, Mom! You are the best! You seriously made my day; what a perfect way to start my weekend :)

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