Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Padres Game

So even though the Padres are having an absolutely horrible season, we couldn't resist taking our friends up on their offer when they invited us to a game. Now that we have many babysitters, aka grandparents, around, we are thinking we might have many more 'date night' opportunities in the near future! Thanks Chris and Lauren for such a fun night!


Andi said...

Fun fun! We already miss you guys. Don't worry, you're not missing out much here! Logan has been unseasonably freeeeeezing this spring. So nice to have babysitters!! Glad you're doing well.

april said...

Out on a date?! WOW!! Enjoy all that family! You gotta stock up on time together before Matt leaves.

The Rubens said...

I have to disagree with Andi. You ARE missing much here in Logan. Seriously though, Logan isn't quite the same without you and we want you guys back. Tell the Navy the deal's off :)